Posts Tagged ‘prolife’

On September 22, pro-life activists in the US, Canada, Australia, England, Northern Ireland and Denmark began participating in the 40 Days for Life campaign.  This effort consists of “40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, 40 days of peaceful vigil in front of abortion clinics, and 40 days of community outreach”.

Pro-choice activists are trying their best to mount a counter protest, to what I would call a massive movement.

I’d like to share one of my own personal experiences as a Pro-Choice activist during the March for Life in Ottawa.  The March for Life is an annual pro-life rally protesting abortion; it took place in May.

Thousands of people swarmed the city for protests, demonstrations and marches aimed at limiting women’s control over their reproductive system. I remember it clearly as I was driving home from volunteering and I saw this mob carrying candles a few blocks from where I lived. At a stoplight, I read some of the signs and realized what it was all about. I quickly drove home and tried to figure out where the counter protest was being held. I found out that the next day, the pro-lifers would be holding a rally at parliament hill and that a women’s rights group was organizing a counter protest there. I immediately started to think of pro-choice slogans for signs.